
Use terraform to manage Kubiya Agents

terraform {
  required_providers {
    kubiya = {
      source  = "kubiya-terraform/kubiya"

provider "kubiya" {
   //Your Kubiya API Key will be taken from the 
  //environment variable KUBIYA_API_KEY
  //To set the key, please use export KUBIYA_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"

resource "kubiya_agent" "agent" {

  //Mandatory Fields
  name            = "Kubernetes Admin"             //String
  runner          = "runner-dev-cluster"           //String
  description     = "This agent can perform various Kubernetes tasks using kubectl"     
  instructions = "You are an AI agent specialized in managing Kubernetes clusters using kubectl. Your tasks include monitoring pod statuses, scaling deployments, updating container images, and reporting issues to JIRA."       
  //Optional fields, String
  model = "azure/gpt-4"  // If not provided, Defaults to "azure/gpt-4"
  //If not provided, Defaults to ""
  image = "" 
  //Optional Fields (omitting will retain the current values): 
  secrets = []
  integrations = ["github","jira","aws"]
  users = [""]                     
  groups = ["Admin"]                                 
  links = []
  starters = [
      name = "Check pod status"
      command      = "kubectl get pods"
      name = "Scale deployment"
      command      = "kubectl scale deployment my-deployment --replicas=3"
  tasks = [
      name        = "Check Container Image Backoff"
      prompt      = "Check all namespaces for pods in ImagePullBackOff state using 'kubectl get pods --all-namespaces'. If found, report them to JIRA."
      description = "Use kubectl to find pods in ImagePullBackOff state and report them to JIRA."
      name        = "Update Container Image"
      prompt      = "Ask the user for the deployment name and the new image. If a specific namespace is provided, filter deployments by that namespace using 'kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>'. Then, update the deployment's container image using 'kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>=<new-image>'."
      description = "Use kubectl to update the container image for the specified deployment."
      name        = "Scale Deployment"
      prompt      = "Ask the user for the deployment name and the desired number of replicas. If a specific namespace is provided, filter deployments by that namespace using 'kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>'. Then, scale the deployment using 'kubectl scale deployment/<deployment-name> --replicas=<number-of-replicas>'."
      description = "Use kubectl to scale the specified deployment."
      name        = "Get Deployment Details"
      prompt      = "Ask the user for the deployment name. If a specific namespace is provided, filter deployments by that namespace using 'kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>'. Then, get details of the deployment using 'kubectl describe deployment/<deployment-name>'."
      description = "Use kubectl to get details of the specified deployment."

  environment_variables = {
    DEBUG     = "1"
  is_debug_mode = false // boolean, optional

output "agent" {
  value = kubiya_agent.agent

Please note that before an agent is created we validate several inputs by making sure they exist and configured properly before handling your request. The validated inputs are: 1. runner 2. secrets 3. users 4. groups 5. integrations

Agent Parameters:

  1. Mandatory Fields

  name         = "terraform-agent"                // The name of the agent
  runner      = "terraform"                      // The runner for the agent
  description  = "Terraform agent"                // The description of the agent
  instructions = "use terraform to run the agent" // The instructions for the agent

Optional Fields (omitting will retain the current values)

links    = []                       //Array

model = "azure/gpt-4"       // If not provided, Defaults to "azure/gpt-4"
//available options: "azure/gpt-4", "azure/gpt-4o", "azure/gpt-4-turbo-preview"
//"azure/gpt-4-32k, "azure/gpt-3.5-turbo

image = "" 
// Defaults to ""

// optional, the below inputs will be validated:
integrations = ["github","jira","aws"] //Array
users        = [""] // Array
secrets      = ["terraform_secret","aws_secret"] // Array
groups       = ["Admin","terraformAdmins","terraformUsers"] // Array

starters = [
      name = ""
      command      = ""
//To remove, please use an empty block: starters = [].

 tasks = [
      name        = ""
      prompt      = ""
      description = ""
//To remove, please use an empty block: tasks = [].

environment_variables = {
    KEY = "VAL"
    KEY2 = "VAL2"
//To remove, please use an empty block: environment_variables = {}.

is_debug_mode = true //Enable Agent Debug mode

Last updated