Scheduled Tasks

Use Terraform to manage Scheduled Tasks in Kubiya:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    kubiya = {
      source = "kubiya-terraform/kubiya"

provider "kubiya" {
 //Your Kubiya API Key will be taken from the 
  //environment variable KUBIYA_API_KEY
  //To set the key, please use export KUBIYA_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"

resource "kubiya_scheduled_task" "example" {
  repeat         = "" // Optional. Allowed values: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. Leaving this value empty or omitting it will cause the task to be executed only once.
  channel_id     = "Select a Slack Channel, Choose the Kubiya App for DMs"
  agent          = "Which Agent should perform the task?"
  scheduled_time = "Select the start date for the task. Format: 2024-08-01T05:00:00"
  description    = "Describe the task"

output "output" {
  value = kubiya_scheduled_task.example

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