Connect to Jira

Using Kubiya Agents to converse with Atlassian JIRA


Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  1. JIRA account

  2. Creating an Agent with the JIRA integration enabled

How it Works

An environment variable called JIRA_CLI_TOKEN (supported by the JIRA CLI interface) will be passed to the agent container environment automatically, allowing users to user JIRA from within the agent. The environment variable value will be based on the JIRA temporary OAuth2 token granted by Kubiya

Setting up integration with JIRA

  1. Use the /manage slash command to enter the management interface:

  1. Click on "Authorize JIRA" to authenticate with your JIRA account:

  1. In the opened browser, authorize access for Kubiya to access your JIRA account:

  1. After anthorizating with JIRA successfully, you'll get prompted to be redirected back to the Slack app:

  1. Congratulations! Integration is complete for your identity

  1. Start an Agent with the JIRA integration enabled, you should be able to converse on JIRA releted tasks

Last updated