🪄Creating & Configuring Teammates

In this page, you'll learn:

  1. Definitions for each step in the Teammate configuration process

    1. Identity

      1. Teammate Name

      2. Teammate Description

    2. Instructions

      1. Select Sources

      2. Conversation Starters

    3. Configuration

      1. Select a Runner

      2. Select Integrations

      3. Select Secrets

      4. Environment Variables

    4. Access

      1. Allowed Users

      2. Allowed Groups

Prerequisites for Creating a Teammate

In order to complete the process of creating a Teammate, you will need each of the following:

  1. A source with the tools and/or workflows you want the Teammate to execute

  2. At least 1 healthy runner

  3. Any integrations needed for the Teammate's use case, so it can integrations authenticate in 3rd-party platforms

  4. Any secrets needed for the Teammate to perform its use case

Note: you will not be able to save your Teammate without connecting it to a source and a runner, so make sure you have at least one of each created in your organization before creating your Teammate.

Adding integrations and secrets isn't mandatory, so you can always create a Teammate and come back to it later to add integrations and secrets – although we advise preparing them already in advance.

How to Create a Teammate

Go to Teammates tab in top-bar menu, then click All Teammates in the left-side menu.

Click the New Teammate button in the top-right corner.

Definitions for Each Step in the Configuration Process


Identity is the basic identifying information for your AI Teammate. This is important as you, members of your organization, and the Kubiya Platform's internal matching engine will all need to be able to find the Teammates that you're looking for. These two sections are key.

Constituent parts:

  1. Teammate Name: The Teammate's name

  2. Teammate Description: A description of what it is that this Teammate does.

Best practices: Be as clear and descriptive as possible, so that you, organizational users, and Kubiya's internal matching engine can all intuitively understand which Teammate this is and what it does.


Instructions are the heart of what you want your AI Teammate to do. This section is critical for ensuring that your AI Teammates perform as you desire.

Constituent parts:

  1. Select Sources: Select one or more sources whose tools & workflows you'd like this Teammate to be able to execute.

  2. Conversation Starters (optional): Buttons that you and your organization can use to trigger use cases with one click of a button. Here you can define them. For more detailed instructions, check out our full guide on conversation starters.

Best practices: Make conversation starter buttons text as short and intuitive as possible for organizational user to easily understand what it does.


Configuration is where you connect your Kubiya Teammate to Kubiya resources and environment variables that your Teammate needs in order to perform its responsibilities.

Constituent parts:

  1. Select a runner: The runner that will power this Teammate

  2. Select integrations: The accounts in 3rd party platforms to which you want to provide the Teammate access

  3. Select secrets: Any secrets required for this Teammate to do its job, e.g. API Keys or authentication tokens for platforms for which Kubiya doesn't have a native integration

  4. Environment variables: Some of the tools located or referenced in the sources you connected may expect environment variables in order to execute properly. This is the place to add those. To know which environment variables your tools require, you can look directly in the source repository or in the Kubiya Web App. Here's how: Go to Resources in the top-bar menu > Tools in the left-side menu > Click on the source and then on the specific tools inside of them, and go to the Configuration section.


Access gives you the ability to control which people in your organization have access to the Teammate.

Constituent parts:

  1. Allowed Users: Individuals to whom you're granting access to use this Teammate.

  2. Allowed Groups: Groups of people to whom you're granting access to use this Teammate.

Teammates managed by a task (IaC; hidden for now)

In Kubiya, Teammates can also be created as a byproduct of delegating a task. As discussed in other sections, a task is an IaC-oriented approach to setting up a use case that includes all of its dependencies, which in many cases includes a Kubiya Teammate.

Given the IaC nature of a task, Teammates created by a task must continue to be managed by that task.

Last updated