💫Get started

  • Register

    1. Get invited by Kubiya Sales Team

    2. Accept Invite

  • Connect your Slack or MS Team account

    1. Resources > Integrations > New Integration > Slack/MS Teams

  • Set up use case

    1. Teammates > Use Cases > New Use Case

    2. Choose a use case > click Continue

    3. Fill out information and set up any required resources along the way

      1. Runner - Choose to use your hosted runner or set up a local runner (via Helm or Kubernetes)

      2. Integrations - Depending on your use case case, you may need to set up integrations to 3rd party platforms, like AWS, GitHub, or Jira for example

        1. Prerequisite: Integrating user's role and or/permissions in integrated platform

        2. Permissions needed in integrated platform (varies by use case)

        3. Steps to integrating

      3. Secrets

        1. Gather secret value from other platform

        2. Naming the secret as required by tools/use case – if applicable

      4. Knowledge (?) – if applicable

    4. TF Plan, TF Apply

  • See your use case in action

    1. Trigger it:

      1. User message

      2. Webhook event

      3. Cronjob

  • Invite teammates

    1. Admins to set up, configure, and test use cases together

    2. Developers & other org users to use the AI Teammates to serve their needs

Last updated