Prerequisite resources for workflows

📦 Resources you need no matter what

  • Runner – A Kubiya runner enables you to run Kubiya Teammates and all of their dependencies within your Kubernetes cluster. Learn more

🔗 Resources needed if you're using workflows/tools/sources

Besides a runner, the Kubiya resources required for workflows/tools/sources vary depending on the workflows and tools themselves. Here are a few rules of thumb:

  • Source – This is a URL to a destination (i.e. GitHub repository) containing workflows and tools written in the Kubiya schema.

Before you can add a source, you must actually have a repo (or other destination) with workflows and tools written in the Kubiya schema. Learn more

  • Integrations – Depending on the workflows and tools themselves, you will need to set up integrations so that your AI Teammate can access the platforms described in the workflows and tools.

  • Secrets – In addition to integrations, you might need to add secrets for your AI Teammate to use. For example, API keys for platforms you're integrated with or authentication tokens for platforms for which Kubiya doesn't have a native integration.

  • Knowledge – Any piece(s) of organizational knowledge that your AI Teammate needs in order to perform its responsibilities (if any). For example, the answers to questions developers might ask.

  • Users – People from your organization (e.g. could be needed for granting approvals)

  • Groups – Groups of Kubiya users from your organization

Lastly, you need an AI Teammate to connect to your source – this will be the Teammate who you chat with to trigger your source's workflows and tools.

To create a Teammate, you must give it a source. Therefore, you should only create the Teammate after you've added your source to Kubiya.

📋 How to set up each resource:

Here are the setup guides for each Kubiya resource:

Last updated