This guide provides comprehensive instructions for managing automation sources with the Kubiya CLI.
Understanding Sources
Sources are collections of tools, scripts, and configurations that define what your Kubiya teammates can do. Sources can be:
Git repositories containing Kubiya tools
Local directories with tool definitions
External integrations and API connections
Listing Sources
To see all available sources in your organization:
For more detailed output:
Copy kubiya source list --full
For JSON format:
Copy kubiya source list --output json
For more comprehensive details including metadata:
Copy kubiya source list --full --fetch-metadata
Scanning for Sources
You can scan local directories to find potential Kubiya sources:
Copy kubiya source scan ~/projects
With recursive scanning:
Copy kubiya source scan ~/projects --recursive
Limit depth of recursion:
Copy kubiya source scan ~/projects --recursive --max-depth 3
Adding Sources
Adding a Git Repository Source
Copy kubiya source add --name "aws-tools" \
--url "" \
--branch "main"
Adding a Private Git Repository
Copy kubiya source add --name "private-tools" \
--url "" \
--auth-token "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Adding a Local Directory Source
Copy kubiya source add --name "local-tools" \
--path "/path/to/local/tools"
Adding a Source with Inline Tools
You can add a source with predefined tools directly:
Copy # From a JSON file containing tool definitions
kubiya source add --name "inline-tools" --tools-file ./tools.json
# From stdin
cat tools.json | kubiya source add --name "inline-tools" --tools-stdin
Advanced Source Configuration
When adding a source, you can configure additional options:
Copy kubiya source add --name "custom-source" \
--url "" \
--branch "develop" \
--auth-token "token" \
--disable-auto-sync \
--remote "upstream" \
--runner "my-runner"
Viewing Source Details
To get detailed information about a specific source:
Copy kubiya source describe SOURCE_ID
This shows tools, integrations, and other metadata about the source.
With full details about each tool:
Copy kubiya source describe SOURCE_ID --verbose
Syncing Sources
Syncing a Specific Source
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID
Syncing All Sources
Copy kubiya source sync --all
Syncing in Different Modes
Interactive mode (default):
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --mode interactive
Non-interactive mode:
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --mode non-interactive
CI/CD mode (best for automation workflows):
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --mode ci
Syncing with Git Operations
Force branch switch even with local changes:
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --force
Commit local changes during sync:
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --add --commit "Automatic commit by Kubiya sync"
Commit and push changes:
Copy kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --add --commit "Automatic commit" --push
Updating Source Configuration
To modify existing source settings:
Copy kubiya source update SOURCE_ID --branch "develop"
You can update various parameters:
Copy kubiya source update SOURCE_ID \
--branch "feature/new-tools" \
--auth-token "NEW_TOKEN" \
--runner "new-runner" \
--remote "upstream"
Enable or disable automatic syncing:
Copy kubiya source update SOURCE_ID --disable-auto-sync
kubiya source update SOURCE_ID --enable-auto-sync
Deleting Sources
To remove a source from your organization:
Copy kubiya source delete SOURCE_ID
You'll be prompted to confirm the deletion.
To bypass confirmation:
Copy kubiya source delete SOURCE_ID --force
Debugging Sources
If you encounter issues with a source, you can use the debug command:
Copy kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID
This provides detailed information about the source and can help identify configuration issues.
Debug Options
Get detailed information about tools:
Copy kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID --tools
Check Git repository status:
Copy kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID --git
Verify source configuration:
Copy kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID --config
Show contents of specific tools:
Copy kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID --tools --show-content
Fix common issues automatically:
Copy kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID --fix
Git Integration Features
Kubiya CLI has deep Git integration for source management:
Git Repository Detection
The CLI can automatically detect Git repositories:
Copy kubiya source scan ~/projects --git-only
Branch Management
Working with branches:
Copy # Update a source to use a different branch
kubiya source update SOURCE_ID --branch "feature/new-feature"
# Sync a specific branch without changing the source configuration
kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --branch "hotfix/quick-fix"
Working with Uncommitted Changes
When syncing sources with local changes:
Copy # Check for uncommitted changes
kubiya source debug SOURCE_ID --git
# Stash changes, sync, then reapply
kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --stash
# Commit changes as part of sync
kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --add --commit "Auto-commit during sync"
# Push changes after sync
kubiya source sync SOURCE_ID --add --commit "Auto-commit" --push
Source Structure
A typical Kubiya source follows a specific structure:
Copy my-source/
├── kubiya.yaml # Source configuration
├── tools/
│ ├── tool1.yaml # Tool definition
│ ├── tool2.yaml # Tool definition
│ └── group/
│ └── tool3.yaml # Grouped tool definition
├── scripts/
│ ├── # Tool implementation
│ └── # Tool implementation
└── docs/
└── # Documentation
Source Configuration (kubiya.yaml)
The kubiya.yaml
file at the root of your source defines its configuration:
Copy name: "My Automation Source"
description: "Collection of tools for DevOps automation"
version: "1.0.0"
- name: "Jane Doe"
email: ""
- path: "tools/tool1.yaml"
- path: "tools/tool2.yaml"
- path: "tools/group/tool3.yaml"
Tool Definition Example
A tool definition in YAML format:
Copy name: "deploy-app"
description: "Deploy an application to the specified environment"
- name: "app_name"
description: "The name of the application to deploy"
type: "string"
required: true
- name: "environment"
description: "Target environment (dev, staging, prod)"
type: "string"
enum: ["dev", "staging", "prod"]
required: true
script: "../scripts/"
documentation: "Deploys the specified application to the target environment."
Advanced Tool Features
The Kubiya CLI supports several advanced tool configurations:
Long-Running Tools
For tools that run continuously (like services):
Copy name: "monitoring-service"
description: "Run a monitoring service"
script: "../scripts/"
longRunning: true
Tools with Volumes
For tools that need persistent storage:
Copy name: "data-processor"
description: "Process large datasets"
script: "../scripts/"
- name: "data-volume"
mountPath: "/data"
Tools with Environment Variables
Copy name: "aws-tool"
description: "AWS utility"
script: "../scripts/"
AWS_REGION: "us-west-2"
DEBUG: "true"
Best Practices
Organize Tools Logically : Group related tools together in subdirectories.
Include Documentation : Add README files and documentation for your sources and tools.
Version Control : Keep your sources in Git repositories for version control.
Regular Syncing : Sync your sources regularly to ensure teammates have access to the latest tools.
CI/CD Integration : Include source syncing in your CI/CD pipelines.
Use Runner-Specific Sources : Create sources tailored to specific runners for better performance and separation of concerns.
Use Dynamic Configuration : Implement environment-specific configuration with variables.
End-to-End Example: Setting Up a Complete Source
Here's a workflow for creating and managing a complete automation source:
Step 1: Create a Git Repository
Copy mkdir aws-automation
cd aws-automation
git init
Step 2: Create the Source Structure
Copy mkdir -p tools scripts docs
touch kubiya.yaml
Step 3: Define the Source Configuration
Create kubiya.yaml
Copy name: "AWS Automation"
description: "Tools for AWS infrastructure management"
version: "1.0.0"
- name: "Your Name"
email: ""
- path: "tools/s3-bucket-create.yaml"
- path: "tools/ec2-instance-manage.yaml"
Step 4: Create Tool Definitions
Create tools/s3-bucket-create.yaml
Copy name: "s3-bucket-create"
description: "Create an S3 bucket with specified configuration"
- name: "bucket_name"
description: "Name of the S3 bucket"
type: "string"
required: true
- name: "region"
description: "AWS region"
type: "string"
default: "us-west-2"
script: "../scripts/"
Step 5: Implement the Tool
Create scripts/
Copy #!/usr/bin/env python3
import boto3
import sys
import json
def create_bucket(bucket_name, region):
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region)
CreateBucketConfiguration={'LocationConstraint': region}
return True, f"Bucket {bucket_name} created successfully in {region}"
except Exception as e:
return False, str(e)
def main():
# Parse inputs
inputs = json.loads(sys.argv[1])
bucket_name = inputs["bucket_name"]
region = inputs.get("region", "us-west-2")
# Create the bucket
success, message = create_bucket(bucket_name, region)
# Return result
result = {
"success": success,
"message": message
if __name__ == "__main__":
Step 6: Add Documentation
Create docs/
Copy # AWS Automation
This source contains tools for AWS infrastructure management.
## Tools
### s3-bucket-create
Creates an S3 bucket with the specified configuration.
#### Usage:
kubiya tool execute s3-bucket-create --args '{"bucket_name":"my-bucket","region":"us-west-2"}'
### Step 7: Commit and Push to GitHub
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit of AWS automation tools"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
Step 8: Add the Source to Kubiya
Copy kubiya source add --name "aws-automation" --url ""
Step 9: Verify the Source
Copy # List sources to get the ID
SOURCE_ID=$(kubiya source list --output json | jq -r '.[] | select(.name=="aws-automation") | .id')
# View source details
kubiya source describe $SOURCE_ID
# Debug the source to check for any issues
kubiya source debug $SOURCE_ID
# List tools in the source
kubiya tool list --source $SOURCE_ID
Step 10: Execute a Tool from the Source
Copy kubiya tool execute s3-bucket-create --args '{"bucket_name":"my-test-bucket","region":"us-west-2"}'
Step 11: Set Up Automated Syncing in CI/CD
In your CI/CD pipeline:
Copy # Example in a GitHub Actions workflow
kubiya source sync $SOURCE_ID --mode ci
Or in a cron job:
Copy # Script to sync sources
export KUBIYA_API_KEY="your-api-key"
kubiya source sync --all --mode ci
For more information on source management, visit the official documentation .