Atlassian Jira

Using Kubiya Agents to converse with Atlassian JIRA


Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  1. JIRA account

  2. Creating an Agent with the JIRA integration enabled

Setting up integration with JIRA

  1. Use the /manage slash command to enter the management interface:

  1. Click on "Authorize JIRA" to authenticate with your JIRA account:

  1. In the opened browser, authorize access for Kubiya to access your JIRA account:

  1. After anthorizating with JIRA successfully, you'll get prompted to be redirected back to the Slack app:

  1. Congratulations! Integration is complete for your identity

  1. Start an Agent with the JIRA integration enabled, you should be able to converse on JIRA releted tasks

Last updated