Configure from Slack

Agents can be configured directly from Slack.

Step 1: Access the Agents management panel

From Slack, use the /agent slash command to access the agents management panel:

Click on Start An Agent to open the panel:

Click on Create Agent :

Click on Self-Hosted:

Step 2: Create the Agent

The agent requires a few parameters to operate properly.

  • Agent Name - a unique, meaningful name for the agent

  • Runner - the Local runner which will host the agent. If you haven't created a local runner yet - please refer to the Local Runners Documentation first

  • Agent Description - A brief description which contains information on what the agent is meant for

  • Docker image - The Docker image we have built earlier, based on the kubiya/base-agent:latest image. You can use the original base agent image if you do not need to extend the base image

  • Agent Instructions - this prompt is used to define what the agents do and provide it with detailed instructions on how to operate and how use cases can be consumed using it

  • Integrations - connectors to attach to this agent. Will require any user who attempts to run the agent to connect with the relevant integrations (eg. connect GitHub with Kubiya)

  • Secrets - secrets to decrypt and pass to the agent container as environment variables using runtime - useful for API keys, secrets, etc

  • Environment Variables - providing a flexible way to configure and customize the behavior of the tools running inside the container.

  • Additional Knowledge - Links to Github gists that contain additional instructions on top of the agent's instructions. This enables the extension of the context in which the agent provides.

  • Click on Create to create a new agent, and fill in the relevant details : Awesome! You can now access your agent

Last updated